Saturday, January 11, 2014

{the word of the year}

Awhile ago, I heard about choosing a word for each year, but I didn't really understand what it meant until I heard it at church a few weeks ago. The pastor talked about choosing a word that you can focus on this next year. A word that motivates you. A word that instills passion in you. A word that calms you. A word that points you to the Word. A word that makes you more like Christ. 

I decided to choose a word for myself for 2014. That word is . . . contentment. Be content.

This past year, I have struggled a lot with jealousy. I would look around me and see people who were prettier than me, skinnier than me, more athletic than me, funnier than me, and more popular than me. I compared myself to them. I wanted to be just like them. I wanted people to like me. Wanting what others have, though, is not fulfilling. It didn't make me any happier. It didn't help anything. All that jealousy brought was anger, bitterness, and self-pity. I didn't see all that God had blessed me with. Instead, I wanted more and more.  I don't want to be like that! I don't want to always be discontent with myself. 

I want to be content with who God made me. I want to be thankful for what I have. I know that God has given me gifts and talents, and I want to use them for Him! I want to be content with the things I have. All I need is Christ, nothing more! I want to be satisfied in God alone, and nothing else. 

Many things will come in 2014, but I will be content in Christ. 
"My cup overflows with blessings" (Psalm 23:5). 

Do you have a word for this new year?
Have you ever struggled with comparison and jealousy? How did you combat it?

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