Monday, May 11, 2015

// making a difference right where you are //

Stories are so important. They make up who we are as people.

Everyone has a story. There is pain they have felt, people who have helped or hurt them, places they've been, and experiences that have shaped who they are.

What if we looked at people with those thoughts in mind? What if we truly wanted to hear their stories? What if we stopped talking and just listened?

Can we really make a difference by pressing pause and listening?

I think we can. All people really want is to be seen and heard. They want to be noticed and feel important. They want to know that someone cares. One of the greatest ways to show love to someone is by allowing them to feel safe in their own skin - by creating an environment in which they feel like they are enough. Someone once encouraged me to listen with curiosity and compassion, rather than listening to respond or fix things.

I think I've always had this dream to make a difference and change the world. We've all had that dream in some form. I want to help people and give them hope. I want to fix things and make them better.

I imagined that I would do these big things on the other side of the world. I always thought that poverty and struggle were found in a third world country or in big cities. I didn't think that I would find that in the midwest - a world full of middle class Americans.

Wherever you are at, there are people who are full of pain and hurt. There are people who just want to be seen and heard, right where you live.

I have been tutoring this lady who is working to get her GED. We have built a relationship these past few months. Last week we ended up playing Scrabble and talking. After I asked a few questions she began spilling her life story. She told me about her family and where she had lived, how she couldn't find shelter in her mobile home when the tornado came. She told me about the hard things in her life, about how she didn't want her daughter to end up like her, about losing both her parents. I could hear the pain and hurt in her voice. I could see how she loved her children so much and wanted the best for them.

I wanted to be able to give her money and fix her problems. But that wasn't my job. My job was to listen and encourage her.

I never realized how great of an impact that I could make by simply listening to someone.
And I never knew that listening to someone else's story could impact mine so much.

She has impacted me with her strength and perseverance.

Maybe what people need isn't your charity or money, but your love and time. Don't try to fix their situation and make their life more comfortable. Just show them that they are important and that you believe in them.

Stop where you are.
Press pause.
Put down the phone.
Look at the faces of the people around you.
Ask genuine questions and listen.

Purely listen.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

// experiencing God //

I believe that God gives us several ways to know Him more. Prayer, reading the Bible, praise and worship, serving, and fellowshipping with other Christians are ways that we can draw closer to Christ. All of these things are incredibly important and should be part of our walk with God, but I also think that each of us has one or more ways that specifically help us focus on God's truth and love. Creating art may point someone to God's characteristics of creativity and love. Another person may really experience God through listening to the Bible. 

"If you come to worship for any reason other 
that the joy and pleasure and satisfaction that 
are to be found in God, you dishonor Him...
God's greatest delight is your delight in Him." 
{Sam Storms} 

One of the ways that I connect most with Jesus is through praise and worship. I love music and I feel such a connection and satisfaction in Christ when I'm singing and praising Him. I'm able to reflect on His sacrifice, experience His love, and surrender to Him while I sing songs of praise and worship. Throughout the week I keep myself grounded in God's truth and love by listening to Christian music. I love finding new songs with His amazing truths, and I also love the old, classic hymns. So, I put together a playlist of some essential worship songs. 

Here are some of my favorite artists . . .

The Silver Pages
These two brothers incorporate many unique instruments and sounds in their songs, 
and the outcome is wonderful (I may be a little biased cause they're my cousins)
They have two EPs out, and the most recent one was just released this last week! 

Rend Collective
I have fallen in love with Rend Collective these past few years. Their songs are filled
with so much joy and celebration! 

Some of their songs are more rock and indie, but a few of them are very worshipful and beautiful. 

Bethel Music
So. Good. 

All Sons & Daughters
This duo creates songs that are so authentic and honest. 

You can listen to my playlist on Spotify or YouTube. The first one unfortunately isn't on Spotify and it is totally my jam right now, so listen to it here.... 

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. 
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; 
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise. 
{Psalm 95:1-2}

Happy Listening friends!

Monday, April 6, 2015

the secret to {bloom where you are planted}

jealousy doesn't heal.
jealousy doesn't fix anything.
it only brings bitterness, hatred, and pain.
it hurts relationships and breaks friendships.
it puts up a wall 
between you and others.
when you are jealous of others
you become restless 
and dissatisfied with what you have.
you compare 
the seemingly perfect life that she has 
to your ugly, messy life.
you question God and ask, 
"why her?" 
"why not me?" 
"where are my blessings and talents and gifts?"

i want to feel content with what i have and who i am.
i want to let go of my insecurities 
of not being good enough. 
i want to be at a place of growth.
i want to flourish and thrive.
i want to be okay with my brokenness,
but not okay with staying there.
i want to be at peace with who God made me to be 
and not always wanting to be 
someone else or someplace else.
i want to find the everyday beauties in life.

this happens when i begin each day
thankful for what i have.
it means looking at the small things in life
and realizing that they are actually
the big things.
it is deciding that i am going to truly 
bloom where i am planted - 
whether that be in a bed of weeds,
the scorching desert,
or a luscious garden.
i can choose to make the best
of my situation 
by choosing to be content in this season of life. 
the days won't always be sunny,
but we can be sure that when the rain comes,
so will the growth.
cling to this truth 
and be grateful for the breath in your lungs
and the hope in your heart.